Gefran PM-E-12-F-0450-S 0000X000XX04XXX

PM-E-12-F-0450-S 0000X000XX04XXX

PM-E-12-F-0450-S 0000X000XX04XXX

Producer: Gefran
Product Code: PM-E-12-F-0450-S 0000X000XX04XXX

Rectilinear displacement transducer without drag shaft, completely water-tight (IP67), designed to work in humid environments and in temporary immersion (CEI EN 60529)
The PME series has an external magnetic actuator linked to an internal measurement cursor
The magnetic cursor replaces the drag shaft used in traditional displacement transducers, making the instrument even more compact
Installation is made simpler because there is no variation in the electrical output signal outside the Theoretical Electrical Stroke
The instrument can be used in compressed air applications with max. working pressure of 20 bar, 50 bar peak

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